Zao Wou-Ki – Les allées d’un autre monde.
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Franciscaines in Deauville, Paris, In Fine Editions (152 p.). Texts by Gilles Chazal, Yann Hendgen, Lucile Montagne and Martine Chazal.
Catalogue raisonné des peintures de Zao Wou-Ki. Volume II. 1959-1974
MARQUET Françoise and HENDGEN Yann, Paris, Flammarion (352 p.). Main text by Ankeney Weitz.
The Way is Infinite. Centennial Retrospective Exhibition of Zao Wou-Ki
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Art Museum of China
Academy of Art in Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Art Museum of China Academy of Art (426 p.).
Foreword by Jiang Xu and Shiming Gao, introduction by Xuhong Yu, texts by Dominique de Villepin,
Melissa Walt, Yann Hendgen, François Michaud, Qiang Dong and Nan Ma.
Zao Wou-Ki – Plage de papier. L’Œuvre gravé et imprimé (1948-2008). Donation Françoise Marquet-Zao
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Musée de l’Hospice Saint-
Roch in Issoudun, Paris, Lienart Editions (184 p.). Texts by Philippe Piguet, Céline Chicha-Castex and
Sophie Cazé.
ZAO Wou-Ki and MARQUET Françoise, expanded reissue, Paris, Fayard, Pluriel Collection (256 p.). Preface by Dominique de Villepin, biographical supplement by Yann Hendgen, afterword by Françoise Marquet. Biography updated.
Zao Wou-Ki. Il ne fait jamais nuit
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Hôtel de Caumont-Centre d’Art in Aix-en-Provence, Paris, In Fine Editions d’art (178 p.). Foreword by Bruno Monnier, texts by Dominique de Villepin, Erik Verhagen and Yann Hendgen.
Zao Wou-Ki. Mots cueillis dans un jardin d’amitié
DE VILLEPIN Dominique, Paris, Flammarion (104 p.). Foreword by Françoise Marquet.
Catalogue raisonné des peintures de Zao Wou-Ki. Volume I. 1935-1958
MARQUET Françoise and HENDGEN Yann, Paris, Flammarion (352 p.). Accompanied by the book by Dominique de Villepin L’Énigme lumineuse de la liberté, Paris, Flammarion (110 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki. L’espace est silence
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris, (152p), Paris Musées, Paris, Preface by Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, foreword by Fabrice Hergott, texts by François Michaud, Erik Verhagen, Yann Hendgen, Melissa Walk, Bernard Noël, Jean Michel Meurice and Daniel Marchesseau.
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, Asia University Museum of Art, Taichung, Taiwan (216 p.). Prefaces by Chang Hai Tsai, Jeffrey Ping Pha Tsai, Mei Ling Lee, Françoise Marquet-Zao and Wei-Chen Ma, texts by Joseph Wang, Yann Hendgen, Melissa Walt, Ankeney Weitz and Jade Lu.
L’Homme des deux rives : Zao Wou-Ki collectionneur
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, Flammarion, Paris, France (296 p.).
Foreword by Jean-Paul Desroches, texts by Gilles Chazal, Sophie Cazé, Éric Lefebvre and Françoise Marquet.
Corpus by Pierre Alechinsky, Sophie Cazé and Yann Hendgen.
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Asia Society Museum in New York (NY) and at Colby College Museum of Art in Waterville (ME) (184p.), Yale University Press, New Haven. Introduction by Ankeney Weitz and Melissa Walt, texts by Ankeney Weitz, Melissa Walt, Michelle Yun and Phebe Chao.
MARQUET, Françoise and HENDGEN, Yann; Albin Michel Editions, Paris, France (264 p.).
Preface by Delphine Rivier, text by Dominique de Villepin, corpus by Yann Hendgen.
Zao Wou-Ki – Dans l’ultime bonheur de peindre, 2000-2010
MARQUET, Françoise and HENDGEN, Yann; Albin Michel Editions, Paris, France (192 p.). Texts by Françoise Marquet, Sylvain Amic, Yin Fu and Isabelle Klinka-Ballesteros.
« Entretien sur Zao Wou-Ki. Un Tao de la peinture ? »
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, interview with Françoise Marquet and Yann Hendgen by Irène Salas (p. 205-217), in Critique n° 766, March, Les Éditions de Minuit, Paris, France
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, paperback edition of the manuscript by René Char illuillustrated by Zao Wou-Ki and kept at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallimard Editions, Collection Poésie, Paris, France. Preface by Dominique de Villepin, correspondence between René Char and Zao Wou-Ki (128 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki, Œuvres, 1935-2008
DE VILLEPIN, Dominique; Flammarion Editions, Paris, France (384 p.). Text by Dominique de Villepin, notes on the works by Yann Hendgen, Compilation of previous critiques established by Victoire de Villepin.
2010, English and Chinese versions, Kwai Fung Publishing, Hong Kong, China.
2012, republishing of an updated and extended version, Flammarion Editions, Paris, France (392 p.).
2017, republishing of an updated version, Flammarion Editions, Paris, France (400 p.).
2017, English updated version, Abbeville Press, New York, USA (400 p.).
2017, Chinese updated version, Guangxi Fine Art Publishing House, Nanning, China (400 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki – Hommage à Riopelle et peintures récentes
ABADIE Daniel; catalogue of the exhibition at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec in Québec, Québec, Éditions Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2008 (68 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki – Estampes et livres illustrés
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France Editions, Paris, France (144 p.). Foreword by Bruno Racine, texts by Marie Minssieux-Chamonard, Hélène Trespeuch and Céline Chicha.
Zao Wou-Ki – Œuvres, écrits, entretiens
FRÈCHES José, Hazan Editions, Paris, France (French version), Ediciones Polígrafa, Barcelona, Spain (Spanish and English editions) (160 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki – Carnets de voyages 1948 – 1952
DE VILLEPIN, Dominique; Albin-Michel Editions, Paris, France (160 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki – Peintures et encres de Chine, 1948-2005
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Espace Bellevue in Biarritz, Hazan Editions, Paris, France (160 p.). Texts by Florence Delay, Daniel Abadie, Juan Manuel Bonet and Yann Hendgen.
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the exhibition at the Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Jeu de Paume Editions, Paris, France (242 p.). Texts by François Cheng, Pierre Schneider, Jean Lescure, Guitemie Maldonado.
Zao Wou Ki : Ce qui est abstrait pour vous est réel pour moi
CHALUMEAU, Jean-Luc (dir.); Cercle d’Art Editions, “Découvrons l’Art” collection, Paris, France (63 p.).
NOËL Bernard; L’Atelier des Brisants (78 p.). Poetic text.
DUBY Georges; L’Échoppe Editions, Paris, France (27 p.). Compilation of the three texts by Georges Duby about Zao Wou-Ki in 1984, 1991 and 1996.
Zao Wou-Ki, Grands Formats – Au bord du visible
NOËL Bernard; Cercle d’Art Editions, Paris, France (143 p.).
The Lecture Notes of Zao Wou-Ki in China
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, notes about the classes given by Zao Wou-Ki while in Hangzhou in 1985, Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, Nanning, Guangxi, China (130 p.).
BONNEFOY, Yves and DE CORTANZE, Gérard; Zao Wou-Ki, La Différence / Enrico Navarra Editions, Paris, France (381 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki : Couleurs et mots
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, debates with Claude Martin, France Huser, Robert Frélaut, Claude Delay-Tubiana, François Trèves, Agnès Varda and Bernard Noël, Le Cherche Midi publisher, Paris, France (95 p.).
2013, new edited and updated edition, Le Cherche Midi publisher, Paris, France
Zao Wou-Ki. 60 ans de peintures
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION; catalogue of the exhibition organized by the AFAA, L’Oréal and the Arts Department of the Chinese Ministry of Culture at the Guangdong Museum of Art in Guangzhou, the Shanghai Museum in Shanghai and the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, Shanghai. Joint Publishing Company, Shanghai, China (334 p.).
Dedication by Jiang Zemin (Beijing), foreword by Jacques Chirac, introductions by Ma Chengyuan, Lin Kang-Sheng, Fan Di’an and Xu Jiang, message from Lindsay Owen-Jones. Texts by Daniel Marchesseau, Yves Bonnefoy and Xing Xiaozhou (334 p.).
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, special issue in Chinese, “Masters of Chinese painting” n° 71, Chin Show Publishing Company, Taipei, Taiwan (34 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki – The Graphic Work. A Catalogue Raisonné 1937-1995
ÅGERUP Jørgen; introduction by Dora Vallier, Heede & Moesturp Editions, Skørping, Denmark (237 p.).
2000, Zao Wou-Ki, The Graphic Work 1995-2000, supplement by Jørgen ÅGERUP, Heede & Moesturp Editions, Skørping, Denmark (15 p.).
Zao Wou-Ki l’œuvre 1935-1993
DAIX Pierre; Ides et Calendes Editions, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (256 p.). 1996, paperback editon, “Polychrome” collection, Ides et Calendes Editions, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (109 p.).
2013, new edited and updated edition, Ides et Calendes Editions, Lausanne, Switzerland (128 p.).
jeux d’encre, trajet zao-ki
MICHAUX Henri; L’Échoppe and La Maison des Amis du Livre, Paris, France (50 p.). Compilation of the four texts written by Henri Michaux about Zao Wou-Ki in 1949, 1952, 1970 and 1980.
NOËL, Bernard; Librairie Séguier-Archimbaud Editions, Paris, France (103 p.).
ABADIE, Daniel and CONTENSOU Martine; Gennevilliers, France, Ars Mundi Editions, Les Maîtres de l’Art COllection (128 p.).
1989, 2nd completed edition in English and in Spanish, Ediciones Polígrafa, Barcelona, Spain
1993, Chinese translation by Fou Chun-Sin, Cultural Edition, Taipei, Taiwan.
ROY, Claude; “Les Grands Peintres” collection, Cercle d’Art Editions, Paris, France (202 p.).
1992, 2nd edited and updated edition, Cercle d’Art Editions, Paris, France (216 p.).
1996, 3rd edited and updated edition, Cercle d’Art Editions, Paris, France (221 p.).
zao wou-ki, «overseas chinese artists series»
YU, Jing Feng and CHENG, François; Guangzhou, Lingnan Art publishing House. Joint publishing Co. Ltd. Hong Kong in Chinese and in English (121 p.).
ZAO Wou-Ki and MARQUET, Françoise; Fayard Editions, Paris, France (211 p.).
1993, updated and translated edition by Lin Ti, for Artists Editions, Taipei, Taiwan.
1993, translated edition by Meu Chin-Ming, Liao Ling Art Editions, China.
zao wou-ki – peintures, encres de chine
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, catalogue of the retrospective at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais in Paris, introduction by Michel Tourlières, texts by Jean Leymarie and François Cheng, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication Editions, Paris, France (86 p. not paginated).
MICHAUX, Henri; dialogue with Françoise Marquet, Cercle d’Art Editions, Paris, France (not paginated).
LEYMARIE Jean, documentation by Françoise Marquet, Barcelona, Ediciones Polígrafa / Paris, Hier et Demain Editions (332 p.).
1979, English translation by Kenneth Lyons, New York, USA, Rizzoli Editions (332 p.).
1986, 2nd edited and updated edition, Cercle d’Art Editions, Paris, France / Ediciones Polígrafa, Barcelona, Spain (384 p.).
MARCHESSEAU Daniel; in Cimaise n° 138-139, October – December 1978 (p. 9-20).
DE VREE, Freddy; Kunstpocket Serie 2/ N° 6, Schelderode, Albert van Wiemeersch Editions from the Schelderode Kunstforum, Belgium, book in Flemish (64 p.).
1981, French revised and edited translation, Schelderode, Albert van Wiemeersch Editions from the Kunstforum, Belgium (64 p.).
zao wou-ki, les estampes 1937-1974
MARQUET, Françoise; preface by Roger Caillois, Paris, Art et Métiers graphiques – Yves Rivière Editions (157 p.).
« le dos houleux du miroir »
CHAR René; foreword of the catalogue of the exhibition at Galerie de France, Zao Wou-Ki 1971-1975, Paris,
Galerie de France et Arts et Métiers graphic editions (46 p.)
LAUDE Jean; Brussels, Belgium, La Connaissance (118 p.).
zao wou-ki, numéro spécial en chinois
COLLECTIVE PUBLICATION, special Chinese-language issue, Lion Art n° 13, Taipei (34 p.).
SCHNEIDER, Pierre; Denoël Editions, Paris. Eleven dialogues with painters (324 p.).
“Dialogue avec Zao Wou-Ki” (Dialogue with Zao Wou-Ki) p. 299-320.
1971, American edition, New York Atheneum, USA (244 p.), dialogue p. 119-135.
1972, republished in French, Paris, Denoël (324 p.),
dialogue p. 299-320.
1991, republished in French with an added postscript, Paris,
Adam Biro Editions (311 p.), dialogue p. 263-280.
RAGON, Michel; in Cimaise n° 57, January – February (p. 26-37).
« entretien avec zao wou-ki » in le monologue du peintre ii
CHARBONNIER Georges; “in Le monologue du peintre II, Paris, René Julliard Editions (p. 181-188).
2002, new edition with an added foreword by Didier Semin, Paris, La Villette Editions, “Penser l’espace” Collection.
ROY, Claude; Georges Fall, Paris, “Le Musée de Poche” collection (61 p.).
1959, English translation by Rita Barisse, Groove Press, Inc., New York / Evergreen Books, London (68 p.).
1970, new updated edition, with an added foreword ‘’Trajet Zao Wou-Ki’’ (Zao Wou-Ki’s journey) by Henri Michaux, Paris, Goldschmidt, “Le Musée de poche” collection (116 p.).
catalogue raisonné de l’œuvre gravée et lithographiée de zao wou-ki
1949-1954, JACOMETTI, Nesto; Gutekunst & Klipstein, Berne (86 p.).