How can I get an artwork certified?
We strongly advise getting work certified before making any purchases or acquisitions. The Foundation is the only organization authorized to issue certificates of authenticity, you can find out more and make a certification request by filling out our certification form
What should I do if I think I may have seen a counterfeit?
Counterfeiting represents a global threat to the art world, for both artists and buyers. The Foundation is committed to protecting the work and reputation of Zao Wou-Ki, via a worldwide network of legal experts, highly specialized in intellectual property. If you have come across a work you suspect may be a fake, we urge you to contact the Foundation’s legal representative as soon as possible.
Where can I see work by Zao Wou-Ki?
Artwork by Zao Wou-Ki is held in permanent public collections around the world and is sometimes on show as part of temporary exhibitions. You’ll find a list of the main collections open to the public, on the Public Collections page.
How does the Foundation work?
The Foundation was set up in Switzerland by Françoise Marquet-Zao, to promote, safeguard and educate about the work of Zao Wou-Ki. Find out more about the Foundation, our mission and our work.
The Foundation is currently working to complete a catalogue raisonné of all works by Zao Wou Ki. If you own a work, please contact us via our Call for Works form.
Does the Foundation certify prints?
The Foundation does not issue certificates of authenticity for prints. If you have a painting for which you would like certification, you can make a request by filling out our certification form.