Past Exhibition  28.02.19 – 13.04.19  Galerie Kamel Mennour

Zao Wou-Ki “Inks and Watercolors (1948-2009)” at the Kamel Mennour Gallery

The Kamel Mennour Gallery offers an immersion in Zao Wou-Ki’s works on paper, Chinese ink and watercolors, covering 60 years of creation from 1948 to 2009. Erik Verhagen’s selection follows the artist’s career from the first figurative drawings and abstract composition studies of the 1960s, through the rediscovery of Indian ink in the 1970s to the artist’s final works featuring large color washes.
The Kamel Mennour Gallery previously showed the work of Zao Wou-Ki in 2002 in the exhibition “Henri Michaux / Zao Wou-Ki. Sign (s) “, in which ink works by the two friends dialogue in a new way.
View of the exhibition « Zao Wou-Ki : Encres et aquarelles (1948-2009) »,
curating: Erik Verhagen 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6, 28/02/2019 – 13/04/2019
© ADAGP Zao Wou-Ki. Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris/London
Curating: Erik Verhagen

47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6
28/02/2019 to 13/04/2019

51 Brook Street, London
01/03/2019 to 23/03/2019

Link: Kamel Mennour