Past Exhibition 05.04.17 - 21.08.17 Musée de l’Orangerie à Paris
Collective exhibition « Tokyo/Paris, Masterpieces of the Bridgestone Museum of Art of Tokyo. Ishibashi Foundation Collection » at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris (France)
The exceptional presentation of the Ishibashi Foundation Collection and of the Bridgestone Museum of Art of Tokyo, that has not been seen in France since 1962, is the occasion to see the painting entitled 07.06.85. It is the most important collection of work by Zao Wou-Ki in Japan (eight oils and six works on paper). The very deep ties that linked the painter to the Ishibashi family have led the Bridgestone Museum of Art to dedicate a room to Zao Wou-Ki to honor his memory after the announcement of his death in 2013.
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07.06.85, oil on canvas, 114 x 195 cm, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Ishibashi Foundation, Tokyo