Press 04.06.18
Exponaute, « Zao Wou-Ki au musée d’Art moderne, L’espace est silence » by Aurélia Antoni
Zao Wou-Ki, Traversée des apparences, 1956, Huile sur toile, 97×195 cm, collection particulière, Photo : Dennis Bouchard, Zao Wou-Ki © ADAGP, Paris, 2018
In the temple of modern art, natural light consecrates the masterly paintings of Chinese master Zao Wou-Ki. Produced between 1956 and 2006, these large-format canvases capture an evolution, from the adoption of a new non-figurative language to the passage to ink on paper. We do not talk about abstraction, we do not talk about landscape. We do not categorize, we immerse in it that’s all.